It’s Your Competitive Edge
As a successful vendor, you know that to compete, your equipment must be affordable and easy to acquire. In some cases, a finance program could be the key to doing business with a valuable customer. With the right vendor-financing program in place, your company could offer flexible finance options and terms, rather than a lump-sum payment. As a result, you could shorten the sales cycle, avoid profit-eroding discounts, and sell your equipment at higher margins than would otherwise be possible.
The Industry Leader
US Business Funding can provide your customers with programs to accommodate their unique credit status. And, with our wide lending capability and funding power, you will see higher approval ratios that enable you to close more sales. US Business Funding’s differentiators include:
- Industry-leading online Vendor Portal available 24/7
- Unmatched service, rates, and customer support
- Highly Integrated funding partnerships as well as private investment capital
- Financing guidance as well as sales support & training to assist your sales staff
- The ability to propose financing scenarios in real time with our online tools

Selling Power: Real-Time Quotes and Online Tools
Our industry-leading Vendor portal enables your sales staff to create custom quotes and proposals, submit new credit applications and check pending deal status with just a few clicks of the mouse. Also, our vendor portal emails you alerts and updates with every change of processing status so you cut down on wasted phone time.